
If you donated, here is the information you need to make sure your contribution sees it's way into the right hands.

Paying in Cash?

  1. Put your cash in a secure envelope. Please include your email.
  2. Write in big letters "HOM100" or "Hom's Homies" on the envelope.
  3. Mail to:
ALS Arizona Chapter
c/o Hom's Homies
360 E. Coronado Rd. Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Paying with check?

  1. Make it out to ALS Association
  2. Write in big letters "HOM100" or "Hom's Homies" on the check or envelope.
  3. Mail to:
ALS Arizona Chapter
c/o Hom's Homies
360 E. Coronado Rd. Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Paying with PayPal?

Make sure your bank account is linked to your PayPal account. Why? If you pay by credit/debit card, you'll incur a fee for sending money. Here is a video that shows how to do this.
  1. Click the Send Money tab
  2. Click the, I'm sending money to friends or family button
  3. To:
  4. Enter the amount you're donating
I'll be sending out an email reminder in case you've forgotten how much you donated.

Thank you once again for your generosity and support. I am truly humbled by everyone who came out and donated their time and energy to making this an awesome experience.

Post-run with Jodi Hom

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